Our Mission

To live a self-sufficient and organic lifestyle for the next half century. With the Grace of God and the power of prayer, we will succeed. Nothing is impossible with His help. It wouldn't be us without laughter and joy at the Cockeyed Homestead.

Find out more about our homestead on these pages

Sunday, May 3, 2020

The Hand Weeding is Done!

Of course this is Mel not me.
The hand weeding of the obnoxious weeds that propagate by their roots is finally done! To hand dig each and every root was a chore in a half. As you saw in the ultra short video of the wicking pots last week, it looked like I didn't touch the garden area at all, but you saw only a very small part of the garden. Every weed that was left can be tilled under.

I was very selective in my hand weeding, but in some areas I went down to bare ground. These areas like the 4x8 green pea patch, the 5-10' double rows of green beans, the asparagus patch, and the double row of corn were seeded immediately as I cleared it. The soil underneath the weeds is loose and rich so I could plant quickly with eases. I watered each area with rabbit poo tea and top dressed it with compost.  The mulch will go over the seeds and plants next week after the garden is tilled and the fenced. My free range chickens wasted no time helping me break up the soil. We gardened side by side.

I rarely plant my gardens in long rows. I use the square foot method for spacing my plants in double raised rows no longer than 10' with companion planting around it. I know it's unconventional way to garden, but this isn't called the Cockeyed Homestead for nothing. It's just easier for me to get around to care and harvest in this fashion. Especially since, Mel abhors weeding so it's all on me.

I did have one mishap this week. It's the expected incident of using garden tools one handed. I had the hoe handle come back and pop me in the left eye. It didn't blacken it, but it was sore, red, and swollen for a few days.

The other issue I have is with my Ankle-Foot brace (AFO)that allows me to walk. It's malfunctioning. I've actually got two of them. The old one allows for too much movement of my foot and ankle so after I've been up and about for three hours it feels like I've sprained my ankle. The newer on presses on one area of my foot and causes pain after about an hour. Foot pain and mouth pain are my two worst kind of pain. Although my spasticity, due to my strokes causes pain , I can take more medicine to relieve it.  Granted, taking the additional medicine will put me to sleep. But foot and mouth pain will cause me to blubber like a baby. I've got an appointment next month with my brace maker, but that doesn't help me now. But, I carry on with the garden because we need it.

Once the garden is tilled and fenced, I'll plant other things like tomatoes, squashes, okra, more herbs, and other summery type vegetables. The nighttime lows are gradually able to support this so it's all good. The daytime temps are almost 80. The weather has been cooperating without me having to watch it. I actually make a habit of not watching it. Within a couple of days of me transplanting or sowing the seeds, it rains. Not just sprinkles, but a good soaking rain usually overnight or early morning. I am blessed this year.

Georgia is going back to work as of last week! Not that it matters much to us on the homestead. What does matter to me is I'll be able to go and get my hair cut. The mop on top of my head is sorely out of control. I missed out on my bi annual shearing date because of the quarantine by almost a month and a half. The bunnies got their hair trimmed and the chickens and chickies got their grooming out of the way. Only I missed out. Maybe now I can get into videos again or maybe not. I had my bi annual physical last week. There are some issues. My cancer of the defunct thyroid gland is back. Actually another mass has shown up in the newest scan. So, I'm afraid the cancer is back. I should know more next week. I desperately need a pampering, girly day. But as usual, I'm not going to let it define me.

Y'all have a blessed day.
Cockeyed Jo


  1. Hi!
    Are you posting video to your YouTube channel?

    1. Hi Big Tusk. Not right now, health issues.

    2. Aw no! You are in our prayers, Jo:)

    3. Thank you. All prayers are accepted and thankful for.

  2. Jo, good job on the weeding, but I'm sorry to hear about the results of the scan. That's never good news. I'll be keeping you in my prayers.


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