Our Mission

To live a self-sufficient and organic lifestyle for the next half century. With the Grace of God and the power of prayer, we will succeed. Nothing is impossible with His help. It wouldn't be us without laughter and joy at the Cockeyed Homestead.

Find out more about our homestead on these pages

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Humidity! ARGH!

While our temperatures and heat indexes have not hit 100+ this year, the humidity is higher than normal. Like a bad joke, you respond, "How humid is it?"

I keep a box of salt beside the stove. I picked it up, and couldn't pour any salt out of the sprout. When put it on the scale out of curiosity, it weighed 1 1/2 lbs for a 1 lb box of salt! I was afraid to hold the box too tight because my finger tips threatened to go through the damp cardboard, or bust the bottom or top off. Now, that's HUMID, folks!

You take a shower to cool off and wash the salty sweat from all part of your body. You reach for your bath towel to dry off, but it's been wicking up the humidity like a sponge. So now you are trying to dry yourself with a damp towel. When you try to get dressed, your clothes become as damp as the clothes you took off and equally difficult to do. Now, that's HUMID, folks.

You decide to combat the mold growing in your closets, bathrooms, and other moisture laden room with Damp Rid to combat the problem in these key areas. You buy the convenient two pack to save money. You are planning to buy the refills every month except the crystals are gone within a week. The good news is that your bath towels are drier when you shower and your walls aren't wet to the touch. Now, that's HUMID, folks.

You've placed two units in your 8 x 12 food stores out building hoping to save your precocious home canned goods. Rust forms around the edges of the flats and even on the tops thinning the metal. Even store purchased canned goods are rusting in spite of your efforts. Now, that's HUMID, folks.

You hear thunder in the distant. Yes, another rain storm is approaching or it could just be heat lightning. As you count between the flash and the thunder, it's getting closer. It's still about a ten count between. The air is so thick it's hard to breathe. Is it possible for humidity to be greater than 100% you wonder, because you could bet on it. Then, you smell the rain coming long before the first drop falls. a freshening wind lifts the humidity a bit. As the rain begins to fall, and you can breathe a little easier. Now, that's HUMID, folks.

That's what our cockeyed winter, spring, and summer weather has been like for us. We've had maybe two weeks (not together) of no rain all spring and summer long. Our homestead is mud and puddles. There's no where for it to go the ground is past saturated. Great weather for ducks?! Even my neighbor's ducks don't want to leave their house.

The common access driveway has washed away. The Blazer, our vehicle, broke the other day. We called a tow truck for a tow to the only garage in town. It couldn't make it down the upper driveway to pick up our vehicle! Every time the owner of the property fixes the driveway, a storm comes through wiping it out again.

And yes, all of these examples are true. At least we'll have no shortage of kindling this winter. For all of you in drought conditions, the shoe does not a better fit on the other foot.

Y'all have a blessed day!
Cockeyed Jo


  1. Hi Jo, I agree this has been a crazy summer !! Looks like we might have a freeze coming this week !! I miss you ladies on Youtube,do you think you will be doing it again ?

  2. Janie!! I don't know about youtube, I left it up to Mel. I'm just along for the ride.


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