Our Mission

To live a self-sufficient and organic lifestyle for the next half century. With the Grace of God and the power of prayer, we will succeed. Nothing is impossible with His help. It wouldn't be us without laughter and joy at the Cockeyed Homestead.

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Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Cooking with Chef Jo: Seed Crackers for Chickens

Since I started homesteading thirty odd years ago, I find myself adding to the recipes in my brain to include our critters. Today's recipe is no exception. Sunday, I mentioned my special seed goodie for our cockeyed critter flock. It prompted quite a few questions about what goes into mine.

I feed our gentle giant rooster and his harem sprouted, fermented grains seven months a year. The other five months (in hard winter) they gets organic commercial feed. They also free range for the seven-month stint which cuts our feed bill immensely. We also have our own maggot and meal worm set up too. Nothings to good for our flock and ultimately us.

My chicken special seed treats are no exception. I'll toss a couple cups worth to worm/parasite control and a healthy dose of good for them goodies into the mix. I'll break up pieces and give them to our flock as needed and just because.
It looks about like this

DE Seed Cracker Mix for Chickens

1/4 cup standard chicken scratch or bird seed
2 cup whole wheat flour
1/4 cup of each: black oil sunflower seeds, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, dried cranberries, raisins, DE, dried oregano, and oat groats
1/8 cup molasses
shells from a dozen eggs, ground
4 Tbs lard (or whatever solid fat you have available)
1 Tbs garlic powder
1 cup dried mealworms or maggots
Enough water to form a dough but not overly wet  about 1/4-1/3 cup

  • Mix all seeds, mealworms, dehydrated fruits, oregano, garlic, and egg shells together in a large bowl.
  • In a separate  bowl, crumble in the lard with the flour and work it into the flour similar to pie crust.
  • Stir in seed mixture.
  • Add molasses
  • Stir well or get in there with your hand(s). The seeds should start being incorporated into the mix.
  • Slowly add the water about a Tbs at a time.
  • When dough holds it shape, flatten on a parchment lined baking sheet.
  • Roll out the dough to 1/8" in thickness.
  • Score the dough with a knife or pizza cutter into 2" squares.
  • Allow a day or two to set and dry.
  • Store in an air tight container.
Enjoy watching your chicken go hog wild for these treats/medicine.

Y'all have a blessed day.

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