Our Mission

To live a self-sufficient and organic lifestyle for the next half century. With the Grace of God and the power of prayer, we will succeed. Nothing is impossible with His help. It wouldn't be us without laughter and joy at the Cockeyed Homestead.

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Sunday, March 3, 2019

Signs of Spring?

Daffodils and Forsythia
It's Indian Spring here in the north Georgia mountains.What's Indian Spring? Y'all know what Indian Summer is, right? It when in the fall you get unseasonably summer like temperatures. Yes, I made the term up, but it fits. We've got several more weeks until spring, but you couldn't tell it by the weather this week. We've had daytime temps in the mid to high 60s with nighttime temps in the 40s.

With the warmer temperatures, the daffodils, crocus, and even our peach trees are ablaze with colorful blooms. On my drive down to Atlanta this week, the medians were full of these harbingers of spring. It makes me almost giddy at the prospect. The Earth is waking up from it's long winter's rest,
Peach blossoms
or is it? Nope. It's Indian Spring. Come Monday and Tuesday, the weather service is calling for sleet and snow.

We'll be breaking out the smudge pot to try to protect the peach blossoms from the worst of it. I drove past the local peach orchard Wednesday and all their trees were ablaze with peachy pink blooms too. But then again, it was the same last year. We can only watch and pray for this year's crop.

We still did not get a chance to move the peach trees down to the orchard this winter. There were just too many rainy days and not enough dry days in between to get it accomplished. We may just plant new ones in late summer and chop down these when the new ones start fruiting.

It would be easier if we had our own Bobcat or large tractor with attachments. I just can't mentally justify the purchase price of one. Sure, I can think of a dozen jobs or more that would be easier and quicker with one, but the purchase price, even older and used, plus the maintenance costs hold me back. It would sit in the barn/ workshop more than 50% of the time unused. That's doesn't make good fiscal sense. Not right now anyhow. It's just just another gas guzzling expense.

Y'all have a blessed day.


  1. Indian spring. I like that! Indian summer is something I miss from my growing up years in the north. You're right. Here it's Indian spring.


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