Our Mission

To live a self-sufficient and organic lifestyle for the next half century. With the Grace of God and the power of prayer, we will succeed. Nothing is impossible with His help. It wouldn't be us without laughter and joy at the Cockeyed Homestead.

Find out more about our homestead on these pages

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Knowledge is Power to Succeed- Maslov's Hierarchy of Needs

The third tier of the Maslov's Pyramid of Needs is devoted to love and the sense of belonging. Many decry the importance of this level mistakenly. Having a sense of belonging and importance within a group or community goes without saying a sense of status. Take me for instance in our small group of two homesteaders, working side by side with a fully abled body of the other member of our group. What can I a disabled member be able to bring or contribute to our group that will better able help the group as a whole to succeed? Knowledge and experience.

Last evening Mel and I were discussing the current occurring events. She said she didn't understand. I told her did. I'd lived it before in a country in southeast Asia whose ruling government was switching from a democratic ruling power to a socialist one. I had real world life experiences of what was happening. In fact, I'd even written and published the novel of events years earlier. Escape from Second Eden was the title.   It so foreign an idea to her she had no knowledge to compare it to in her reality so it couldn't make sense to her, but for me it was reliving history. It was my memories going through that period of my life that now helps us prepare for the changes that are about to take place in our day-to-day reality Knowledge and experience in this case gives us power. When others scramble around searching for answers. When it comes to homesteading, I have twenty plus years of urban homesteading under my belt while she has read several books on the subject. On food preserving, I have almost thirty years of hands on experience. Nothing beats feet on the ground or hands doing it. That's my value to our group. Knowledge is power to succeed. You want to have folks around you with the knowledge and experience to help you along the way. It's an invaluable resource. What do I get in return for my knowledge and experience. I get companionship, help to overcome my short comings, a stable home, and security. It's an equitable trade.

The really scary thought is we've only chipped the surface of my knowledge base. My brain is like a super computer waiting to be queried. Maybe to someone else that may not be scary, but it is to me. It's too much knowledge to not share it. And I do so at any opportunity. Not to prove how superior I am to everyone else, but in an offer the educate others. If we can't help each other, what's the point??!?

Y'all have a blessed day!
Cockeyed Jo

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