Our Mission

To live a self-sufficient and organic lifestyle for the next half century. With the Grace of God and the power of prayer, we will succeed. Nothing is impossible with His help. It wouldn't be us without laughter and joy at the Cockeyed Homestead.

Find out more about our homestead on these pages

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Taking Down Time

HAPPY V-D!!!! 

With physical therapy twice  a week and doctor appointments in between, it seems like we're constantly on the go. I've been trying to get all my 6-month check ups over and done with before we get into planting season. The problem is that I've got -ologist-itis. I have an inflated amount of too many doctors and specialists. Seven doctors to be exact and counting. I remember to the old days when you had one doctor with yearning. So come the weekend, it's usually our downtime. No, doctor calls, no laboratory nor hospital calls etc. My phone doesn't ring unless it's a solicitation call or family. I simply ignore the solicitation calls. Thank God the elections are over with!!! I was getting texts and calls every other call.

So I'm taking my downtime very seriously. We'll sit in front of the wood stove to stay toasty warm as the cold of winter temperatures blow down into the hollar. The chickens have taken to roosting on the front porch. They'll wake and chortle at us each time we turn on the porch light to get an armload of wood to feed the wood stove. High today is 47℉. It's a far cry from last week's highs in the 70s. It's gonna be another cockeyed weather year again. No snow or days on end of of below freezing weather. It's strange for the northeast Georgia mountains. Of course, with no snow means rain and a lot of it. 

"Mel calls the chickens feathered raptors. They'll swamp your feet when they realize you are outside. They want to be fed. No matter if you fed them ten minutes ago, if you are outside you must be needing to feed them. They are almost comical as they run to greet you when you come up the driveway. Yes, they know our car. They stop short as you drive past them as you pull in. They'll swarm my feet as I get out of the car until Mel takes off to turn the car around. They'll stop swamping me and take off at a run again after the car. I'll hear Mel yelling at them to get away from underfoot as she makes her way up to the walk. If she's got groceries in the back of the car, it's "get out of my car!" and "No, this is not for you." or "Get out of that bag!" She'll slam the front door in their faces and lean on it, huffing and puffing. "Geez, this is ridiculous!"

I'd start, "Well, if you'd finish the chicken run..."

"Ah, shaddup!" This would be followed by her standard litany of excuses of why this hadn't been done yet. 

I had long since tuned her out. That's the problem with both of us having to break up our days with off site appointments. Not much gets done here with both of us off the homestead.

I'm still looking at purchasing a replacement truck for us. I refuse to take on car payments. So far, I've got about $2100 in the kitty ear marked for one. I was searching Craig's List the other day and thought I found one. 1987 Chevy Silverado pick up with 4wd for $800. It only took a couple emails with the owner to realize it was a scam. A real shame too. It was just like Mel's old truck except it was white and a few years older. It would have been perfect. Why do people feel they have to do this??? I just don't understand the pleasure they get out of doing this!

 So that's my news for the week, what's yours?

Y'all have a blessed day!
Cockeyed Jo


  1. Glad you figured out it was a scam before meeting anywhere. Golly. Times are rough right now.

    1. My daddy always told me, if it sounds to good to be true...it is.

  2. Hi, I used to watch Mel's channel on youtube all the time. Glad to see you are both doing well.

    1. Hi Kittikity! Yes, we are still alive and kicking though not as high as we once did.


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