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To live a self-sufficient and organic lifestyle for the next half century. With the Grace of God and the power of prayer, we will succeed. Nothing is impossible with His help. It wouldn't be us without laughter and joy at the Cockeyed Homestead.

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Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Cooking with Chef Jo Posts- Some Numbers for 2019

With this, it's the 56th posting of this Wednesday Cooking with Chef Jo. Everyone is doing the year in review and this series has run a little over a year now. Yes, I'm finally getting around to mine for this segment of the Cockeyed Homestead blog.

The recipe with the most views (266) is (drum roll, please) 

Cooking with Chef Jo: Not "Lipton" Dry Onion Soup Mix Revisited

266 may not seem like a lot to y'all, but for this post it's major. I can only attribute it to another homesteading blog "5 Acres and a Dream" posting a link to the recipe in Leigh's blog. Thank you, Leigh. Clapping and doing the Snoopy dance of happiness!

The second runner up with 85 views is...

Cooking with Chef Jo: My Infamous Chicken Salad Recipe 

For a long time, this recipe was #1 until Leigh's blog came out. It was one of my most requested recipes when I was a working chef. Still doing the Snoopy dance of happiness! But a big difference in the numbers of visits and just goes to show you what a simple link can do.

The biggest loser was... 

 With only 4 views 

 Cooking with Chef Jo: Cockeyed Devilished Ham 

To be honest, this recipe is from December 2018 and the Cooking with Chef Jo was in it's infancy. Nobody wants to scroll back a year to find it. It's actually a good recipe. Much better than the canned mush you get in the store. Or, maybe nobody eats deviled ham anymore like us old timers. I dunno.

There you have it the biggest winners and loser of 2019 Cooking with Chef Jo.  Thank y'all for visiting.

Y'all have a blessed day!

Chef Jo


  1. I was just looking at mine from last year. Yay! Looks like you had some good results too.

    1. Yes, the stats are interesting. All sorts of information.

  2. Interesting stats! You know, I never even look at my views! I should do that some time!!

    1. Rain, yes you should. All sorts of information in your stats.

  3. The ham recipe I just plain missed. But then, I'm not very good at regular blog visits. :) But I do like ham salad, so I'll give it a try!


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