Our Mission

To live a self-sufficient and organic lifestyle for the next half century. With the Grace of God and the power of prayer, we will succeed. Nothing is impossible with His help. It wouldn't be us without laughter and joy at the Cockeyed Homestead.

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Sunday, April 12, 2020

Transplants- Into the Ground They Go Goes

When starting seeds I staggered the sowing by two weeks. Now the second set goes into the ground. Now I'm starting all my tomato plants, peppers and okra. By the time they are ready to transplant outside in four weeks, I should be harvesting most of the lettuces and radishes except for the daikon. I'll let the Daikons grow a little bit longer until it's time to harvest the Napa cabbage and a few onion tops The carrots should be ready by then also for some dynamite Kimchi.

I sowed 3 bell pepper seeds, 6 gochujang pepper seeds, and 6 cayenne peppers. For tomatoes I sowed 40 Roma tomato seeds, 3 each of Purple Cherokees and Beefsteaks. That should make enough canned tomato sauce and diced tomatoes  for two years' worth. Some I'll dehydrated tomatoes for tomato powder and have plenty for fresh eating. I've doubled the amount of tomato plants than I planted in 2018 because I ran short of two years' worth.  After the garden failure of 2019, I'm not taking any chances. For corn and green beans, well I've doubled those plants too. But okra I kept at four plants. My plan is to resow green beans every two weeks until August. I'll be planting Black Oil Sunflower seeds, for the bunnies and chickens with the corn side by side to help support each other. I'll be doing the three sisters method of planting with black eyed peas, zucchini and straight neck yellow squash.

I may plant some cantaloupes, watermelons, and sweet potatoes under some of the popcorn in the orchard area also. My experimental plants this year down in the orchard is apple and bird house, and luffa gourds. I can trellis them with 8' flat pallets to form a "fence" between the chicken area compost piles and the orchard grass. In another 4'x8' raised bed plot of the orchard, I'll be trying my hand at growing upland rice. This will leave an 1/8 of an acre, give or take, for orchard grass. That's almost a year's worth of grass hay (in two cuttings) for the two rabbits we have left. The ground in the orchard could use another year or so to be fertile enough for general planting. Whether I get to all of this remain to be seen, but that's the plan. If the amount of produce doesn't harvest that much, it's fine. There's always next year. Organically grown produce is a process.

Y'all have a blessed day!
Cockeyed Jo

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